
Playstation Browser & PSVR Headset May Support VR Porn?

PlayStation VR headset is set to be launched in October for $399 USD. It remains to be seen if Sony will permit VR Porn on PlayStation VR though its web browser. We have just published an update on How to Watch VR Porn on PSVR headset.

Back in the days, when Blu-ray and HD-DVD were competing to be the standard format, the Blue-ray format prevailed, for one reason or another, that could it be that, one of the contributing factors was as simple as due to the fact that PS3 opened a backdoor to support Blu-ray format was a big boost. Or maybe it is because of Blue-ray’s more enhanced anti-piracy features and bigger capacity for storage that toppled things in its favor. Either way, it has always been interesting to watch the interaction between technology and adult entertainment! And in this case, we are referring to PSVR’s potential boost and impact on VR porn industry.

There was a thread on Reddit, PSVR sub-reddit room that was discussing PSVR’s compatibility with virtual adult content. And here is another Reddit thread discussing the possibilities of PSVR’s support for viewing web browser based VR content in general. Most of commenting Redditors seemed optimistic.

In the video game sector, we were barraged with “VR is the future of gaming” type articles for yearsleading up to the eventual release of a few of these headsets — and upcoming release of PlayStation VR — and now that a few are out, I don’t see a lot of scuttlebutt. I could just be looking in the wrong places; I don’t mean for this to be an exhaustive look at the state of VR. But it’s interesting to see similar pie-in-the-sky articles (and complete shark jumping) coming out of the porn world. via Destructoid

Ela Darling, once a librarian now a political activist and pornstar, shares her sentiments. She thinks augmented reality is the next destination, however for the near future she thinks VR is the best place for creators to learn about this new medium, where stereoscopic 360-degree content is important but she is less interested in monoscopic 360 content. In a nutshell, this response implies that virtual reality may not always be the only medium of porn, but at least for a couple of years, it will be the new prevailing medium.

Despite Sony and PlayStation VR’s deliberate efforts to steer clear of porn apps, or give any clue about it’s browser’s compatibility that, one might still utilize it to watch virtual reality porn content. We are betting on the openness and accessibility of PSVR to give adult VR industry’s overall sale a major boost.

Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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