Realtime Virtuality: A Technological Venture In Education
Virtual Reality Learning
Classroom study is always evolving and new technologies are changing the face of education and improving learning methods for many students. There are many technologies that can help to ease and assist with classroom study and education practices, and Virtual Reality technology just so happens to be one of those technologies.
Having come a long way since VR came into existence in 2015, VR in education has proved to be one of the most effective learning tools within the classroom amongst other technologies. According to a study by the North American Council for Online Learning – there’s a 60% faster learning curve on students’ comprehensive learning, as well as a 35% increase in overall performance by students.
Swiftly developing, Virtual Reality technology then upgraded to Augmented Reality. This then leads us onto the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) programme which many education institutions are now looking to implement, where Virtual Reality technology is combined with Augmented Reality.
VR In Education
Compared to the Traditional Classroom, the Virtual Classroom helps to bridge the real and digital world, encourages students to be part of the information they’re learning, and lets the students literally see what they’re learning. The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) programme is highly promoted within modern education.
When a school or university adopts the Virtual Learning Environment, they’re investing in the cognitive development of their students. This includes language development, numerical understanding, comprehensive improvement, strengthening concept development and more engagement in the classroom. The ideal learning environment for students includes device-based learning and interactive learning, real-time teaching and visualisation, as well as self learning methods and group interaction. This is why Virtual Reality Learning is quickly becoming a favoured tool within classrooms.
The guys over at Essay Writing Service UK, a UK essay writing service, have designed a cool animated infographic below, which outlines the benefits of Realtime Virtuality and the reasons why many schools are starting to implement Virtual Learning within their curriculum.
What do you think about Virtual Reality as a learning tool within education?
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