REPTILICUS VR- Full Body VR Gaming Using SALTO Wireless Suit

We love cheesy B-Movies! Especially cult-classic with monster and mutant dinosaurs! A team of Danish game developers has brought Danish / American B-Movie – Reptilicus back to live! Since its release back in 1963, Reptilicus has secured a spot on pretty much every available list of the worst movies ( in a good way! ) ever made.


Reptilicus movie poster


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A Godzilla-like monster is loose in Copenhagen and, for reasons yet to be understood, fights its way to the central square of Copenhagen before it gets struck down in some of the most awkward action sequences in the history of filmmaking. Obviously, this film has become a cult B-film classic with a huge fan base. Inspired by the B-Movie classic, Reptilicus VR is born!


rokoko logo

Triband logo


Reptilicus VR is formed by two Danish companies Rokoko (a motion capture company), and Triband (an indie game company), have secured the rights to reinterpret Reptilicus using virtual reality to make Reptilicus VR come to life and create the ultimate interactive VR gaming experience!


SALTO Motion Capture Full-Body Suit

With the combination of VR and the cutting edge motion capture suit SALTO, you have your entire body in the virtual space and control the monster from top to bottom. It is an intuitive and utterly complete VR experience!


“ VR allows for an intuitive way of observing the virtual world. With our Salto suit, you no longer have to just observe, you can actually interact with your entire body and feel connected to the content on a whole new level.” Jakob Balslev CEO & Founder of Rokoko


salto suit


Reptilicus VR is delivered as a surprise perk to the Kickstarter backers of Rokoko’s newly launched motion capture suit SALTO. The game will be released commercially on Steam and other similar platforms later in 2016 with integration with other interactive devices like the Microsoft Kinect.


Reptilicus vr


Reptilicus VR and SALTO demonstrate exactly how cool and fun it is to integrate the Salto suit in the VR experience. The police shoot at you from all angles, while you are throwing around every tree, house or human in Copenhagen – with your own arms and legs!


Check out the video demo below, where Triband explains how it works!




“In December 2013 Palmer Luckey said that the VR experience isn’t going to be complete until you have a natural way to interact with the virtual world. Our Salto suit is the solution to that challenge and with Reptilicus VR we will show the world how.” Jakob Balslev CEO & Founder of Rokoko


“ “With the combination of VR, the Salto suit and Triband’s quirky and deeply original approach to their work, I expect Reptilicus VR to be a hilarious, unique and inspiring experience!” Jakob Balslev CEO & Founder of Rokoko


Besides all the hilarious and charming fun from the demos ( we dig their humors! ), SALTO Suit could be a potential industry game-changer. Full-body motion capture used to be an expensive and enterprise level technology with limited access.


Salto Team

Meet SALTO Team!


SALTO has made this body motion capture affordable and accessible to global indie game and app developers, sport and medical researchers, film makers and 3D animators without a big budget. According to SALTO, the suit is a ready-to-wear and takes about one minute to put on, made with breathable and durable hi-tech fabric and runs in 3 sizes for women and men respectively!




As of now, with 12 days left, 167 backers pledged to bring SALTO to live. The campaign will reach it’s goal of 100K sooner or later. The most attractive package seems to be the $730 Early Adopter Package, in which you will get The Salto Suit DK1 + hands. In total 33 sensors, a hub and a textile suit. Support SALTO on this page.

Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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