VoyeuR’s “Biological 3D Vision” Sees 3D in a Whole New Way

Janssens Dynamic is working to put the visual “reality” in “virtual reality,” but there’s more. They started with a problem, the absence of realistic and quality 3D media in virtual and augmented reality devices. Finding a low-cost solution, both in terms of money and processing power, that allows real-time conversion and transfer of digital media universally across the IoT, has plagued many industries and researchers for years. This major hurdle has already sunk the much-maligned 3DTV, and threatens to contribute to the demise of the near-term consumer viability of virtual reality devices.


Janssens Dynamics solution is a totally new toolbox of strategies for the conversion of all media into a natural 3D experience poised to be indistinguishable from reality. VoyeuR software, utilizing its proprietary “Biological 3D Vision” process and drawn from physics, was created, developed, and tested within the VR environment.


VoyeuR software can take any media (2D, native 3D, 360) and convert it into realistic-looking 3D in real-time. For the first time, there is a path that leads to streaming of all media content in 3D. One of the major factors inhibiting 3D adoption by consumers, aside from image quality, has been viewer discomfort. Understanding of the factors contributing to viewer discomfort, along with innovations to relieve it, is an important facet of the “Biological 3D Vision” process.


Now, Janssens Dynamic brings their product to the TV screen. Following proof of concept in virtual and augmented reality accessed through the VoyeuR VR app, they are releasing the VoyeuR HOME app, available for download from the Microsoft Store and compatible with select 3DTVs. This app allows viewers to watch their ENTIRE digital movie library in comfortable and high quality, realistic 3D. And the 2D to 3D conversion is in real-time.


Janssens Dynamic welcomes ANY user-feedback through their VoyeuR website, www.voyeurjd.com, and encourages your on-line evangelism to bring this innovation to streaming media!

Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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