grove vr game

Grove: VR Support Groups Launches A Kickstarter

As it is today, when scrolling through the Oculus game store it is filled with a variety of games which would lead you to think that Oculus headsets are no more than another gaming platform. One company is aiming to change that though. Today, October 24th, Grove launched a Kickstarter to help fund their VR mental health platform.

Grove’s mission is to provide access to the best and most convenient support groups possible. People often struggle to attend in-person support groups due to the fear of their issue being known, not having a group near them, or a lack of transportation to and from meetings. While online support groups overcome these issues, it is at the expense of the valuable in-person connection felt at traditional meetings. Grove is striving to bring together the best of both worlds.

The platform allows people to create support groups focused on a variety of topics like depression, anxiety, loss, addiction, and much more. The platform also allows you to meet in a variety of environments. Today’s support group meetings are typically confined to whatever room the group can find, whereas Grove will allow groups to meet in comforting, unique environments like snowy mountain tops, log cabins, the redwood forest, or much more. They currently have built out a campfire environment as part of the initial platform.

While Grove won’t officially launch on the Oculus store until February 2020, their Kickstarter has launched to help them continue with development. Grove is an entirely free platform with no ads meaning it doesn’t make any money, however, they do need some primarily for VR headsets, development, marketing, and legal fees.

If you would like to support Grove and their effort to help those struggling with mental health issues, you can back their Kickstarter here.

Official website:

Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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