emily-bloom vr porn star

Image Source: Emily Bloom

Feminist & Lesbian 360 Degree Virtual Reality Porn for Women

Generally speaking, women today are experiencing a much more open-minded and liberated world compared to women born on the earlier years. Though there are still countries and places that embrace the traditional practices and ethos, women have somehow manage to change the world’s stand on their worth and proficiency. Same is happening in VR adult industry, more and more VR adult films are being created to cater female audiences. It is an especially apparent trend when it comes to virtual reality pornography.


Image from Emily Bloom VR

VR adult content production is in its infant stage, that roughly started in early 2015, and we are already seeing numbers of studios creating VR porn for women. There are currently around 30+ adult VR content production studios, most of them are making mixed genre of VR porn movies, check out full list on this page. Here are some adult content studio that are creating VR adult content that are targeting and catering female audiences:


Image Source: Shhh


Taking back the hands of time in the prehistoric cultures, women were likely to have a particular cultural role which responsibilities are easier than men. For instance, men are the ones in charge for hunting large animals for meats and women on the other hand, are tasked to gather plant foods, fish and small animals. Yes, life was that simple thousands of years ago. But then the word “change” has existed and everything in life constantly goes with it.

Furthermore, women’s role in society has changed much. In more recent history, they were given the chance to work outside home. This doesn’t mean equivalence to men however, as these jobs were normally limited. These jobs do not offer the same wages than what is being offered to men at the same time. Traditionally, these women who were indebted to work outside home are the ones who belong to the poorer society. Women in the middle class are normally tasked with child caretaking or babysitting.

In the year 1900’s, women were given better opportunities in taking part on the employment field. From the blue collar jobs, which they experienced laborious and physical tasks, they were welcomed in companies offering white collar jobs wherein they were hired as workers in the office. And through these changes, women were able to prove that there are just a number of things they could do just as men could. It has then opened the idea of women getting better education and career. Thus, it has made them more competent and knowledgeable.

Decades more after, women were given the equal rights to education and career wherein the world had female presidents, scientists, engineers, and in all other field of profession. As the role of men and women in the career field reached its highest equality, women were still bound of their responsibilities at home, both as a mother and a wife. It was quite depressing but it has come into an era wherein career oriented women chose not to bear children. And when the year 2000’s began, there were companies wherein women were required not to marry or have children for the reason that a woman could not handle two full time professions at one time. This happened in some of the colleges in the US wherein female faculty members were obliged to remain single.

So much were discussed on how women finally reached the age of freedom and equality, both in career and at home, let us now see how women positioned themselves in the new era.

Upon my little research about the blue collar and white collar jobs, I have come across the term pink collar which refers to jobs under entertainment, sales, interaction and other service-oriented works. Our subject, definitely belong to this classification as porn business caused so much entertainment to many of us. And that pertains to both men and women.

While porn industry most likely earn from men, it does not necessary mean women is not part of their viewers. Of course, men have always been the target of the business. Perhaps 85-90 percent of men in the planet do have an everyday porn consumption. It could be through the internet, digital versatile discs (DVD’s), video compact discs (VCD’s), television shows, movies and head-mounted displays. This could be a result of the notion that men are more expected to be outspoken and aggressive with their sex ideas and experiences. But since women are not treated the same way back centuries ago, they empower themselves in many things not just at home and with their careers but also with their rights to experience and receive equal perspective and pleasure in terms of relationships and sex discussions.

Notions like “men are polygamous by nature so it is expected for them to have another woman or more” or discussion of sex escapades are expected in a beer session and watching of porn materials in most of the hang outs. But when you hear a story of a woman having another man or a woman talking about her bed scenes experiences, or a bunch of hot ladies hanging out on one place to see a porn movie, that is not welcomed the same way as we welcomed these scenarios or stories from men. And perhaps due to these reasons, some women decided to conquer the porn industry with materials that could better draw the interest of women rather than men.

vr adult industry

Porn materials, may it be in DVD’s, VCD’s, newspapers, magazines, internet or head-mounted display cardboards are normally made just to trigger lust, desire and yearning for sex and any other sexual activities and pleasures. And these are what men usually do. But hey, women do not. A percentage of women watching porn films perhaps do have the same reasons with men but mostly, they do it for a more reasonable cause.

Women, correct me if I’m wrong, usually see porn films and videos that are likely to be romantic. And romantic means, seeing the actors doing their job as an actor which plays their character well, not just simply doing sex. For most of women porn viewers, somehow, they expect the film to have better plots and intimacy. Connections between the actors are expected in a woman’s viewpoint when seeing a porn movie. And most often than not, POV’s are nothing but a boring production.

As the empowered women are shining in the field of pink collar jobs, conquering the VR porn industry, specifically the virtual reality scene, is just part of what they aim. Why does it have to be for men all the time? Aren’t they humans that feels the same sexual excitement with men? Why porn films most likely were patterned to be pleasurable with male viewers’ eyes? Don’t they welcome female viewers? Or is it still the norms that define this cause? People from the porn industry should think twice, I guess.

Let us remember that women, just like men, experience the same sexual suddenness. Arousal could hit anytime of the day. Sex isn’t for men alone, but for all humans (and animals, too). So to the members of the porn business industry, please consider their needs.

And to the fierce and fearless women aiming to create virtual reality adult porn films for fellow women’s pleasure, kudos to you Mesdames.


Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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