ar sdk

Immersal Launches its AR Cloud SDK Commercially at AWE USA 2019

Around 250 brilliant and demanding developer companies, such as TWNKLS, makers of the IKEA place AR app, have now been testing the visual positioning product Immersal AR Cloud SDK. The feedback has been extremely positive and Immersal is now ready for commercial deliveries. And what could be a better place to launch the AR product than AWE USA – the largest and most prominent AR event in the world.

“Immersal is one of the first SDK’s on the market that supports cross-platform markerless 6DOF indoor positioning and tracking, which is a major component for next-generation augmented reality applications”, explains Lex van der Sluijs, Co-founder and CTO, TWNKLS.

Large-space AR is finally possible in all apps everywhere. In practice it can be indoor navigation, AR gaming, AR ads, industrial maintenance AR, retail space AR or something completely different. In just a few minutes, any large, physical space can be AR-enabled and digital objects can be anchored to it with ease.

While the competitors are also showing some cool looking demo videos, Immersal is in a league of its own: It’s market-proven. Immersal AR Cloud SDK is not used just for demos. Multiple large-space AR apps has been launched with it, e.g. for the movie theater chain Finnkino, part of Odeon Cinemas Group, owned by AMC. One AR app using the SDK has also been released by flyAR for Caverion, a 2.2 billion euro service company in building systems, construction services, and services for industry. Here’s a video of the Caverion app:

“It was important for us to be the first commercial SDK company in the large-space AR”, says Immersal CEO Jufo Peltomaa. “Market shares are being taken right now, even before the headsets. It’s relatively easy to get some kind of a large-space AR demo working, but it’s a completely different effort to produce something commercially viable and working in practice, with real customers – and we have done just that!” smiles Peltomaa.

Less than a week ago Immersal raised 0.9M€  funding consisting of angel investments, Sisu Game Ventures investment and Kasvumoottori Growth Engine ecosystem funding from Business Finland (the public funding agency for research funding in Finland). Immersal will finalize the round in the following months by raising 0.7M€ more.

“Markerless, accurate large-space AR is now here to stay and the world will never be the same again! Our endgame is to use the apps’ end users to collect a global, AR-enabling infrastructure, AR Cloud”, explains CEO Peltomaa, visibly happy and enthusiastic. “We know that it’s a humongous thing to dream about, but we see no reason why we couldn’t do it”, explains Peltomaa on his way to AWE stage to do the product launch. The crowd awaits anxiously – a start of a new era is at hand.

About Immersal: Immersal Ltd. has previously developed a first in the world: a multi-user AR infotainment platform for Exhibition Center Helsinki in  Jan 2017 – still up & running. Now Immersal announces a groundbreaking AR Cloud SDK for 3D scanning and visual positioning (patent pending, not all features included yet). Immersal currently employs 10 AR gurus and aims to be the biggest AR company in the world.

For more information please contact: Jufo Peltomaa, CEO: +358 44 971 1645

Get the Immersal AR Cloud SDK at:

Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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