
Konrad the Kitten Virtual Reality Game on Steam

Game Description

You like cats and kittens? You have a Virtual Reality Device? This is your chance to have a virtual kitten which feels like a real one! If you don’t like cats that much, maybe the little Kitten can be the chance to make your beloved one to love your super-expensive Virtual Reality Headset.



Konrad the Kitten is a small Virtual Reality game designed for the VR Devices, with a hybrid virtual / real kitten you need to care for. By fixing a tracked controller on one of your plush toys, you bring this toy into virtual reality. The VR-Device tracks your plush toy and replaces it with a cute kitten in the virtual world. This enables -for the first time- to not only see a virtual pet but also physically touch, lift, cuddle and play with it.

Every day when you look after Konrad, he has 12 wishes. These can be sleeping in a box, drinking from a water bowl, playing with a ball, catching mice and more. Some of them are passive (like having him sleep) and some of them require you to actively play with Konrad (like hunting mice). By fulfilling these wishes Konrad gets happy and new objects, minigames and areas are unlocked. The whole game is controlled by lifting and moving the virtual cat. There is no need to push buttons of a controller. This enables an unbelievable immersion into the virtual world.


Why fixing a plush toy on a controller just for playing a game?
The combination of a plush toy representing the virtual cat in the real world gives a unique experience. You can really touch the cat, it’s fluffy, you can lift it, move it around and cuddle it. That is unlike all experiences where you just have the controllers in your hand and press buttons.

How it works and how to play
To play it, you need a compatible VR-Device with tracked controllers and (for best experience) a plush toy with at least 12-inch (30 cm) size. The plush toy doesn’t need to be a cat. It can be anything matching. You can also play the game without a plush toy but then a lot of the immersion is lost.

Preparing the game:

  1. Fix one of the tracked controllers upside-down on the back of the plush toy (for example with rubber bands or scrunchies). Assure that it’s fixed proper, so the controller can’t slip off the cat while playing. Also care about the lanyard of the controller. It should be fixed with the rubber band as well, so it cannot get stuck with something.
  2. Place the plush toy (with the controller on its back) on the ground in the middle of your play area.
  3. Turn off any other controllers of your VR-System.
  4. Start the game.

Playing the game:

  1. Once the game has launched, you’ll see Konrad sitting in the middle of the play area.
  2. Carefully (!) lift the kitten and place it on the “calibrate” marker to calibrate the ground. The marker will turn green after calibration.
  3. Then place the kitten on the Warp Zone marker to go to the area selection.
  4. For the first play, only one area (the kitchen) is available. So place the cat on this area marker to go inside the house. Other areas will be unlocked when fulfilling the cat’s wishes.
  5. Place the cat on the ground at one of the objects. The cat will interact with the object. While interacting, you’ll see the progression bar inside the wish-icon changing. After Konrad is done, the wish-icon disappears.
  6. After a need is fulfilled, small hearts will appear. Catch them by moving Konrad towards them. Each heart will increase Konrad’s affinity towards you.
  7. Some wishes will trigger minigames. When playing a minigame (like the mouse-hunting), hold Konrad in both hands so he looks away from you. Move him around so he can catch the targets. He will automatically grab after the target, as soon as he is near one.
  8. Fulfill Konrad’s wishes to unlock other objects, minigames and areas.
  9. Konrad has 12 wishes every day. Be sure to look after him the next day again!


  • A supported VR-System is required to play
  • Current supported VR-Systems:
    • HTC Vive
    • Oculus Rift with Oculus Touch (coming soon)
    • Further devices to be announced
  • You need at least 1.5 meter x 2.0 meter room space to play
  • Also it is strongly suggested to have a plush toy with a length of 12 inch (30 cm) or larger.

PC hardware:

  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or newer
  • Intel i5-4590, AMD FX 8350 or better
  • 8 GB or more RAM
  • Nvidia Geforce GTX 970, AMD Radeon R9 290 or better

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusionplaygames

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Konrad-the-Kitten-159015924525526

Contact: k.kunze@itsonix.eu

Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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