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Searching For Hell – VR Documentary Film On Cineveo App

Searching For Hell is a transmedia and multimedia project depicting hell on Earth, presented by Dogfilm Studio and Film Makers Pond First up is a full-length feature documentary Searching For Hell, the first feature documentary premiered and distributed in VR cinema (Cineveo), comic book – Searching For Hell – Behind the Quest – covering behind the set stories and “Hell Searcher Are You There” campaign focused on hell stories coming from people from all over the world.


searching for hell


Searching For Hell documentary features 5 hell stories ( ) from 5 countries ( Russia, Congo, Indonesia, Japan, USA ) and 5 directors!

Starring: Blue Demon, Yuriy Smirnoff, John Colone, Yudi, Axel Robertsen, Children of Kinshasa,

Directed By: Pawel Nazaruk, Tomasz Adamski – A Hole to Hell Yuki Nakamura – A House of the Demon James Kenney – From Our Nest Gloria Kurnik – Welcome to Kawah Ijen Darek Barecki – A Postcard from Hell


5 Hell Stories + 5 Directors & Crews + 5 Locations On Different Continents = Searching For Hell VR Documentary

Five directors and their film crews went on a fascinating journey to tell their personal and creative stories of people inhabiting contemporary Hells all over the world. The location include the township-tuned-theme-park of Hell in Michigan, a house converted into a morbid vision of Buddhist hell in Japan, a deadly sulfur lake in Indonesia, and the dark present-day Congo. They are all doors to Hell. Creative and original feature documentary – Searching for Hell – will walk you through those doors, examining Hell’s geographical, cultural and social dimensions.


journey to hell vr film

The Future Of VR Cinema Experience

Virtual Reality revolution is at the corner and is building up tremendous momentum, V will change the way we experience films. In the future, audiences would be able to watch film on their VR heads. Imagine having your own, personal movie theater, where you are the one to decide what to watch and when to watch it. Imagine spending only few dollars on the ticket to a movie theater and watching the film as many times as you wish to, right there, at your home, without extra costs.


Searching For Hell Taking VR Distribution Approach

Searching For Hell is taking a new approach to distribute their feature film. Partnering with Cineveo to distribution the film to worldwide audience via Google Play store. Searching For Hell team believes VR theater is the perfect medium and channel to share “Searching For Hell” VR experience in an innovative and unconventional style!



Ceneveo VR App – Next Generation Of Virtual Reality Cinematic Experience

VR technology enables Searching For Helll to reaching directly to worldwide audiences, without having to deal and ripped off by the middle man, agent or gate keepers. Without unnecessary constraint -straight from a filmmaker to a film viewer-on a big screen! Cineveo/Searching For Hell it’s not just an application. It’s an exciting journey into a cinema future landscape of tomorrow. A journey, that will changer forever the way you watch film!


comic book searching for hell

Searching For Hell Comic Book – Free Download Available

Searching For Hell also come with its own comic book! The comic book takes you behind the scenes of Searching For Hell film, visit distant lands and see what our filmmakers experienced and learned during their mission to find hell on Earth. Searching For Hell – Behind The Quest – the first documentary comic book is free download now upon entering your name and email.


Get it from this page: Download it today and see what these Hells are made of!

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Hell exists. It’s just not what you think it is….

The subject matter and the meaning of Hell is as universal as it gets, to different people, Hell may mean something different. Searching for Hell starts out as a quest to discover the truth behind the story of digging a hole to Hell – the deepest bore hole in the world – in Siberia in the 1980s. From there, it continues across different continents, cultures and ideas, in an attempt to discover what and where Hell is today.

Searching For Hell Worldwide Premiere & Screening

Searching For Hell was premiered on June 19th during Virtual Reality Days at the Open City Documentary festival in London and became first feature-lenght documentary film screening in Virtual Reality Cinema. The film is available excusively in Virtual Reality Cinema Cineveo, the Cineveo app can be downloaded from Google Play until October 31st.

Author: VR Reporter

Jay is a VR & Tech enthusiast and evangelist who is into all things geekery! Not your typical tech savvy engineer, but a self-indulging digital nerd that's attracted by the nouvelle vague of Virtual & Augmented Reality revolution!

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