usens vr

Usens CEO Offers Five AR/VR Predictions for 2018

uSens CTO Dr. Yue Fei is offering these trend predictions on the augmented/virtual reality industry in 2018.

  1. Mobile VR will surge in popularity thanks to the arrival of the affordable Oculus Santa Cruz, Go and HTC Focus headsets. This increase in headset sales will entice developers to invest in creating better content, further spurring industry maturity.
  2. Cell phone service providers will see the potential in offering VR experiences to those with high-end smartphones. This will lead to more smartphone/headset bundle deals, which consumers will embrace.
  3. AR/VR experiences will become more immersive as intuitive, interactive technology like hand-tracking is prioritized by developers.
  4. Driven by an increase in AR-ready smartphones, improvements to object recognition software will improve ecommerce AR uses such as virtual wardrobes, Amazon pop-up stores, and in-store product information.
  5. Augmented reality and the technology that brings it to life will increase its prevalence in our lives. eCommerce and marketing campaigns will noticeably adopt the tech first, prompting involvement from industries not wanting to be left behind. This is already apparent in the automotive industry, where vehicle operating systems and heads-up displays are integrating hand/eye-tracking technologies.

uSens will be at CES 2018. Visit them at booth #21723 in the South Hall Gaming & VR Marketplace to demo its latest upgrades to its VR hand-tracking tech. Smartcar manufacturer Byton will also be showing off at CES an OS hand-tracking demo that it collaborated with uSens on.

Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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