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Virtual Reality Porn Pioneer Virtual Porn 360 Presents Interactive VR Porn Video

Virtual porn industry is about to shift completely. If you are following any of the VR porn related news, you would have for sure seen that many players are coming into the game. Nonetheless, most seem to be just replicating what is already being done without adding much for the user. Virtual Porn 360, already showing signs of avant-garde by being the 360 degrees virtual porn videos pioneer is now striking again and is the first one to release a virtual reality porn interactive video. It provides a much more immersive sensation for the user watching the video. In fact, it consists of a 20-minute long video where you are able to pick between two hot babes.

The plot starts in a park where you are offered a magnificent view: two lonely gorgeous brunettes sitting on a bench. All you have to do next is make the hard decision of choosing only one… Another cool aspect of the video is that you are able to choose whether you want a blowjob from the girl, if you want to her to ride on you, or you going at it from behind with a simple click. When was the last time you were given such a great deal of freedom? Certainly not with the girlfriend. This is exactly what VR porn is about. Offer you a giant world of possibilities where you can live your fantasies. Doing what you want, with whom you want is the value offer of Virtual Porn 360. Let your mind go free.

Some estimate that VR porn has no future. Although this may hold some truth, Virtual Porn 360 is going to turn things around with its brand new interactive porn video in 360 degrees. To illustrate why this is going to be a safe bet, let us look at the following example. We are going to draw a parallel with 3D TV. Despite, seeming highly similar to virtual reality at first glance, they could not be any more different. 3D TV was not adding any value to the person watching it. It is very troublesome and people just want to watch TV, dammit. Thus, the interactive route is the way to go even for VR porn videos.

This is mainly because no matter how great the video is, you and I both know that you will get tired of it like you would eventually be of your favorite video game. What keeps us coming back then is that ability to interact. And why is that?

One really good question to ask ourselves and for us to understand why the interactive video should have such a big impact is to look at why people interact in the first place? To start off, let us all agree upon something: human beings tend to generally be lazy. As such, interacting requires an effort from our part. So what is it that makes people still want to put in that effort to interact with others since they seem to voluntarily do it with videos games, gadgets or with anything really that allows them any form of interaction.

One really obvious reason that explains this behavior is that we want to make things happen the way we desire. In an ideal world, people would be able to read your mind and make things the way you envision them, thus not requiring any further modification or interaction from you. However, since that is not possible for the moment being, people are willing to take the extra step and interact with things to make them the way they want them to be.

To keep going on that same line of thought, let us consider another explanation. Human beings, although some people seem to think so, do not learn in a linear fashion. We start our learning process on one thing and from there we navigate in all sort of directions to pick chunks of information here and there in order to form that final piece. In fact, this is how your brain works: by making links between different pieces to finally form the final product. If you are still unconvinced, look at the Internet. It is one of the most successful interactive piece of technology that the world has ever seen. Essentially, a link from a page leads you to another and son on. Therefore, you can learn on your own terms, consequently in the most natural human way.

Besides that, the way human seek knowledge in general is interactively. Let me explain myself. Everybody comes in the game with a background of knowledge. No one comes in the head empty, not even a new-born. So, when somebody is learning or experimenting with something that is new to them, they add it and organize it against what they already have in their brains. From there, that leads them to a question or a conclusion which draws them off to another place, seeking for another piece of knowledge. Then, the cycle goes on.

Virtual Porn 360 Offers 180, 270 and 360 Degree Porn

Now, let me come back more specifically to VR porn videos. There was no way for Virtual Porn 360 or for that matter, for any VR porn videos producer to fit in all the content possible in one video and satisfy every single individual in the audience. This is where the genius behind interactive videos comes in. To illustrate my point, let us first look back at the evolution of porn videos. On one side, we have regular porn videos along with virtual reality porn videos in either 180, 270 or 360 degrees. On the other side, we have those interactive porn games anyone can play on the Internet. So what is the missing piece then?

virtual reality porn

Virtual Porn 360 Aiming to Provide Interactive & Immersive VR Adult Experience

Virtual Porn 360, the missing piece is to draw the link and build the bridge between the two. Filling the gap simply goes by building the first ever interactive porn video in 360 degrees. Here, it is important to insist on that 360-degree part because as some of you may know, interactive porn videos do in fact already exist. However, without the virtual reality headsets, you are missing the immersive portion of the game and as such you end up watching a screen and it feels everything but real.

Now a last point to brush up upon is the one about those people that have forever been criticizing the world of porn. They continue claiming that it ruins relationships, induces deviant behaviors in certain individuals or again that it is a demonstration of the disrespectful tendency we have towards the female gender. Some people even go as far as affirming that porn will make sexual crimes skyrocket.

It could not be any further from the truth and here is why. First, people who watch porn on a frequent basis are the living proof that they have a high libido. A high libido is a sign of a healthy person and usually, not always, a good health goes hand-in-hand with a good mental health. Consequently, a mentally healthy person is less inclined to get involved in deviant crimes. Later on, VR porn videos are here to inspire fantasy. According to many researchers in psychiatry, fantasies are good for people and help them understand their needs and wants better. Thus watching virtual porn is a form of satisfying our sexual fantasies.

The interaction makes it even greater because you can pick and choose, which adds to that magical effect of fantasizing. A third point to make this thesis even stronger is that porn is not addictive as many people seem to affirm it. It is not the same thing as smoking or injecting drugs. Anyhow, it is said that watching porn will desensitize you to sexual arousal and make you not like sex eventually. Let us take a break here for a second. Most, if not all men, have watched porn and babies are still around. Consequently, men are having sex and watching porn at the same time and so the affirmation doesn’t hold up here.

In conclusion, if you are not yet convinced that interactive VR porn videos are the way to go, it may be time for you to rethink your position. Interactive videos undoubtfully represent the next step because of the aforementioned reason: regular VR porn videos may eventually fade away or not be as hot as they are today. The only solution to keep people coming back for more in the long run is by satisfying their inner want to interact. Moreover, who doesn’t like to choose between chicks and be able to have a say on what they want to happen? You are literally the scriptwriter to your own sex tape. Don’t wait one more second and hop on the wagon!

Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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