How Virtual Reality Can Improve Businesses

As time goes on, remarkable changes evolve in the business world. At times, innovations have left some business leaders off balance. Today, however, savvy executives recognize that change is constant.

For instance, virtual reality (VR) is becoming mainstream as the price of equipment drops and becomes financially viable for consumers. Now that the technology is more cost-effective, businesses are excited about its potential.

Virtual reality is now an emerging force in the business world. Smart executives are coming up with creative ways to use VR technology to improve operations, boost productivity and promote corporate culture.

The innovation allows users to break through previously impenetrable barriers. Furthermore, VR users can engage environments that exist only in the digital realm.

How Virtual Reality Works

When participating in virtual reality experiences, users typically wear a head-mounted display (HMD) that projects images. This is the kind of display used with popular devices such as Google’s Oculus Rift or the PlayStation VR headset.

Despite the manufacturer, the goal is the same. The HMDs create a life-sized, 3D immersive environment. Users control their experiences using some type of input, which may include hand or head tracking, voice activation or manual controllers.

Today’s consumer virtual reality systems typically transmit information to users via HDMI cable. The systems send two feeds to either one or two LCD displays. In the latter case, the system sends an image to each eye. The resulting image creates a stereoscopic 3D experience.

Researchers are working on ways to improve the immersive VR experience. For now, 360-degree environments are too costly for the average user. Most systems provide 100- to 110-degree fields of view, which works well for now.

Virtual Reality Can Be Used to Improve People’s Mood

Throughout history, the world’s governments have often found themselves in conflict with one another. Sometimes, this has led to war, but today conflicts are more likely to lead to negotiations. When these types of conflicts arise between diverse groups that can range from governments to internal business units, mediators can leverage VR to set a tone that facilitates reconciliation.

Programmers have designed virtual reality applications that reduce anxiety and induce relaxation. Some applications may facilitate meditation, for instance, while others immerse users in relaxing environments.

How Virtual Reality Can Be Used in Business and Facilitate Improvements

VR technology is helping business leaders reimagine their enterprises. Many companies leverage virtual reality systems for training. Additionally, professionals such as surgeons and emergency responders use the technology to practice their jobs without putting others at risk.

Virtual reality technology helps users quickly learn new concepts in the business environment. With the technology, executives can discover previously unforeseen opportunities for learning and teaching.

VR Can Help Business Leaders Create Safe Workspaces

A recent study has revealed that 75-percent of workers have been affected by workplace bullying. Today, teachers train using VR simulations to identify bullying activity. Following the example of educators, business leaders can use virtual reality technology to identify bullying behavior in the workplace.

Educators also use VR systems to learn how to respond to bullying incidents. Using this platform, business leaders – like teachers – can prepare to respond to unfortunate incidents of workplace bullying and keep work environments safe.

Virtual Reality Works to Improve Many Aspects of Business

VR technology is already enabling new possibilities for business and entertainment. Its applications range from virtual reality dating agencies to therapeutic uses.

In the future, the technology promises to continue to grow more indistinguishable from real life, while providing improved user experiences. Recent developments in eye tracking, as an example, allow VR participants to interact with digital environments using their natural eye movements. Additionally, researchers are attempting to interface with virtual reality technology using brain waves, allowing users to interact with programs using their thoughts.

Virtual reality is much more cost-effective than physical mockup simulations used for training. Still, the technology represents significant costs when deployed for large groups. VR systems that require custom coding and programming are even more expensive.

There’s an emerging market, however, to meet the demands of VR end-users with special needs. These services include rental VR suites and digital world building tools.

In addition, marketing agencies are making it easier for small- to mid-sized firms to leverage virtual reality media communications. These agencies will play an increasingly important role in the future of marketing.

These developments are likely to overshadow the current limitations of the technology. One primary drawback to VR is the solitary feeling experienced by users and digital worlds. Furthermore, while the price of VR equipment is dropping, the technology is still somewhat pricey for many consumers, but with the emergence of standalone headsets this may soon change. As these developments unfold, it’s very likely that virtual reality systems will become much more prevalent in homes and business settings.

Author: VR Reporter

I am a hi-tech enthusiast, VR evangelist, and a Co-founder & Chief Director at Virtual Reality Reporter!

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